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10 Tips for First Time Home Buyers

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Making the leap from renter to first-time home buyer can be a daunting process. With so many steps and decisions to make, it can seem overwhelming at times. But it doesn’t have to be!

With the right guidance and preparation, you can make the leap from renter to first-time home buyer smoothly and successfully. In this article, we’ll offer our top 10 tips for first-time home buyers so you can make the transition without any hiccups.

Real Estate CMA: Comparative Market Analysis

CMA Home Value Report Comparative Market Analysis by Martin Group

Know the factors that affect market or home value which are different from assessed value, which is often lower than the market value. Martin Group can help you with both numbers. Text or Call at 561-3391-779 to schedule your free consultation.

Home Buyers: 10 Step Buying Process

10 Steps to Buying a Home

Home Buyers: 10 Step Buying Process 1. Save Your Down Payment Many people believe you need a 20% down payment to buy a home. There are loans available that allow buyers to put down as little as 3% or 0% with a VA or USDA Loan. 2. Know Your Credit Score Your credit score is a numeric representation of your history and ability to pay back debts in the past. Different home loans have different credit requirements. Save credit card purchases until after you close on your mortgage… to improve your credit score. 3. Find a Real Estate Agent Once you have a handle on your credit score and down payment savings, the Martin Group 561-339-1779 can guide you through the home buying process. 4. Get Mortgage Pre-Approval We can give you a list of lenders from which you can choose the one you want to work with to get pre-approved for your mortgage loan. This will help keep you on budget during the next step! 5. Go House Shopping Make a list of what you want vs. what you need in your next home. The Martin Group of Realtors® will use this list to find homes for you to tour. We make the appointments for you after your approval of our list. 6. Make an offer Using our 50 years of experience as real estate agents, the Martin Group will help you determine the best price to offer in the current market for the home. In a competitive market, you may net be the only one bidding and will want to stand out! 7. Get a Home Inspection Once your offer is accepted, you will want to have the home inspected professionally to ensure there are not any hidden issues with the home. We can furnish a reliable list of home inspectors. 8. Get a Home Appraisal Your lender will arrange for a home appraisal to ensure that the property is worth the price that you have agreed to pay for it. The bank will only issue a loan for the appraised value. 9. Close the Sale Once your loan is approved, your lender will schedule a closing date. This is the day you sign all your paperwork with a Title Company to complete the purchase and get the keys to your home. 10. Move In Congratulations! You are now the owner of the home! And time to move in. The Martin Group can give you some recommendations for moving companies. This is the beginning of your next phase in life. Enjoy! CONGRATULATIONS! Summary of 10 Step Home Buying Process Ready to Begin the Buying Process? We have many more tips to help you… Let’s Talk! Schedule A FREE Consultation Doug Martin Realtor® Broker 561-339-3299 Email Me

How to Bridge the Real Estate Appraisal Gap

Today’s Real Estate Market Unlike Any Other If you’re searching for drama, don’t limit yourself to Netflix. Instead, tune in to the real estate market, where the competition among buyers has never been fiercer. And with homes selling for record highs,1 the appraisal process—historically a standard part of a home purchase—is receiving more attention than ever. That’s because some sellers are finding out the hard way that a strong offer can fizzle quickly when an appraisal comes in below the contract price. Traditionally, the sale of a home is contingent on a satisfactory valuation. But in a rapidly appreciating market, it can be difficult for appraisals to keep pace with rising prices. Thus, many sellers in today’s market favor buyers who are willing to guarantee their full offer price—even if the property appraises for less. For the buyer, that could require a financial leap of faith that the home is a solid investment. It also means they may need to come up with additional cash at closing to cover the gap. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, it’s never been more important to understand the appraisal process and how it can be impacted by a quickly appreciating and highly competitive housing market. It’s also crucial to work with a skilled real estate agent who can guide you to a successful closing without overpaying (if you’re a buyer) or overcompensating (if you’re a seller). Find out how appraisals work—and in some cases, don’t work—in today’s unique real estate environment.   Appraisal Requirements An appraisal is an objective assessment of a property’s market value performed by an independent authorized appraiser. Mortgage lenders require an appraisal to lower their risk of loss in the event a buyer defaults on their loan. It provides assurance that the home’s value meets or exceeds the amount being lent for its purchase. In most cases, a licensed appraiser will analyze the property’s condition and review the value of comparable properties that have recently sold. Mortgage borrowers are usually expected to pay the cost of an appraisal. These fees are often due upfront and non-refundable.2 Appraisal requirements can vary by lender and loan type, and in today’s market in-person appraisal waivers have become much more common. Analysis of the property, the local market, and the buyer’s qualifications will determine whether the appraisal will be waived. Not all properties or buyers will qualify, and not all mortgage lenders will utilize this system.3 If you’re applying for a mortgage, be sure to ask your lender about their specific terms. If you’re a cash buyer, you may choose—but are not obligated—to order an appraisal.   Appraisals in a Rapidly Shifting Market An appraisal contingency is a standard inclusion in a home purchase offer. It enables the buyer to make the closing of the transaction dependent on a satisfactory appraisal wherein the value of the property is at or near the purchase price. This helps to reassure the buyer (and their lender) that they are paying fair market value for the home and allows them to cancel the contract if the appraisal is lower than expected. Low appraisals are not common, but they are more likely to happen in a rapidly appreciating market, like the one we’re experiencing now.4 That’s because appraisers must use comparable sales (commonly referred to as comps) to determine a property’s value. These could include homes that went under contract weeks or even months ago. With home prices rising so quickly,5 today’s comps may be lagging behind the market’s current reality. Thus, the appraiser could be basing their assessment on stale data, resulting in a low valuation.   How Are Buyers and Sellers Impacted by a Low Appraisal? When a property appraises for less than the contract price, you end up with an appraisal gap. In a more balanced market, that could be cause for a renegotiation. In today’s market, however, sellers often hold the upper hand. That’s why some buyers are using the potential for an appraisal gap as a way to strengthen their bids. They’re proposing to take on some or all of the risk of a low appraisal by adding gap coverage or a contingency waiver to their offer. Appraisal Gap Coverage Buyers with some extra cash on hand may opt to add an appraisal gap coverage clause to their offer. It provides an added level of reassurance to the sellers that, in the event of a low appraisal, the buyer is willing and able to cover the gap up to a certain amount.6 For example, let’s say a home is listed for $200,000 and the buyers offer $220,000 with $10,000 in appraisal gap coverage. Now, let’s say the property appraises for $205,000. The new purchase price would be $215,000. The buyers would be responsible for paying $10,000 of that in cash directly to the seller because, in most cases, mortgage companies won’t include appraisal gap coverage in a home loan.6 Waiving The Appraisal Contingency Some buyers with a higher risk tolerance—and the financial means—may be willing to waive the appraisal contingency altogether. However, this strategy isn’t for everyone and must be considered on a case-by-case basis. It’s important to remember that waiving an appraisal contingency can leave a buyer vulnerable if the appraisal comes back much lower than the contract price. Without an appraisal contingency, a buyer will be obligated to cover the difference or be forced to walk away from the transaction and relinquish their earnest money deposit to the sellers.7 It’s vital that both buyers and sellers understand the benefits and risks involved with these and other competitive tactics that are becoming more commonplace in today’s market. We can help you chart the best course of action given your individual circumstances.   What To Expect as Appraisal Gaps Grow In today’s real estate market, low inventory and high demand are driving up home prices. As many as 39% of homes are getting offers over the listing price, based on the latest Realtors Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Shawn Telford, Chief Appraiser at CoreLogic, elaborates: __________________________ “The frequency of buyers

Top 10 Myths that Trip Up First Time Home Buyers

Top 10 Myths That Trip Up First Time Home Buyers   If you’re thinking about buying a home, you’ve probably received your share of advice from family and friends. Add to that the constant stream of TV shows, news segments, and social media posts that over-simplify the home buying process for easy entertainment. With so much information to sift through, it can be tough to distinguish fact from fiction. That’s why we’re revealing the truth behind some of the most common home buyer myths and misconceptions. Buying a home is a big decision, but it doesn’t have to be a scary one. If you arm yourself with knowledge and a qualified team of support professionals, you’ll be well equipped to make the right choices for your family and financial future.   Don’t Fall For These Common Home Buyer Myths   #1 Myth: You need a 20% down payment. Plenty of buyers are purchasing homes with down payments that are much less than 20% of the total cost of the property. Today, you can buy a home with as little as 3-5% down. There are multiple programs out there that allow you to have a lower down payment, and a lender or mortgage broker can talk you through which option is the best for you. Since you’re putting less money down, you’re a riskier borrower to your lender than people who put down a full 20%. Because of this, you will most likely need to pay mortgage insurance as part of your monthly payment.   #2 Myth: Real estate agents are expensive. Your agent is with you every step of the way throughout your home buying journey, and he or she spends countless hours working on your behalf. It sounds like having an agent is expensive, right? Well, not for you. Buyers usually don’t pay a real estate agent’s commission. Your agent’s fee is paid for at closing by the seller of the home you’re buying.1 The seller knows to factor this cost into the property’s total purchase price.   #3 Myth: Don’t call a real estate agent until you’re ready to buy. The earlier you bring in an agent to help with the purchasing process, the better. Even if you’re in the very early stages of casually browsing Zillow, a real estate professional can be a huge help. They can create a search for you in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), so you get notifications for every house that meets your criteria as soon as it hits the market. The MLS is typically more up-to-date than popular home search sites like Zillow and Trulia. Setting up a search a few months before you’re considering buying gives you a good idea of what’s out there in your town that’s in your budget. Reviewing the MLS and speaking with an agent as soon as possible can help you set realistic expectations for when you actually start the house hunting process.   #4 Myth: Fixer-uppers are more budget friendly. We’ve all watched the shows on HGTV that encourage people to go after fixer-uppers because they’re more affordable and allow buyers to eventually renovate the home to include everything on their wish list. But, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, homes that need a lot of work also require a lot of money. Big renovations, like add-ons, a total kitchen remodel, or installing a pool, take a lot longer than it looks on TV. If you’re really interested in a fixer-upper, ask your agent to show you a mix of newer homes and older homes. If you fall in love with an older home that needs a lot of work, get some quotes from contractors before you buy so you know the real cost of the renovations and see if you can work them into your budget.   #5 Myth: Your only upfront cost is your down payment. Your down payment is big, but it isn’t the only money you’ll spend during the home buying process. At closing, you’ll pay your down payment, but you’ll also bring closing costs to the table. Closing costs are typically anywhere from 2-4% of the total purchase price of the home.2 This amount includes the cost for items like homeowners insurance, title fees, and more. You’ll also need to pay for an inspection before closing, which usually costs a few hundred dollars. This price will be higher or lower based on the size of your new property. Your lender will also require an appraisal. An appraiser will come in and inspect the home to determine how much it’s worth. Depending on your lender, you may have to pay this when the appraisal is conducted or it might be rolled into your closing costs.   #6 Myth: You need a high credit rating.  You don’t need perfect credit to buy the perfect home. There are loans out there that buyers with lower credit scores can qualify for. These are good options for people who have had credit issues in the past, but some of them come with additional fees you will need to pay. Speak to a few local lenders or mortgage brokers to talk through which options might be best for you.   #7 Myth: You can’t qualify for a mortgage if you’re still paying off student loans. While some buyers may feel more comfortable paying off their existing debts before taking the leap into home ownership, it’s not a requirement. When you’re applying for a mortgage, the lender takes a close look at your debt-to-income ratio.3 If you want to calculate this on your own, add up all of your monthly debt payments and divide those by your monthly income. When you’re lender does this, they’re trying to make sure that you will be able to afford your monthly mortgage payments along with your other existing payments. If your income is high enough to allow you to make all of these payments each month, having a student loan will most likely not stop you from getting